OET Printable Photovoltaics at Haute Couture Futuristic Fashion Show by Vasilios Kostetsos

We are more than excited to share with you yet another successful collaboration!
OET along with world-renowned fashion designer Vassilios Kostetsos, delivered the Futuristic Nanotech Event, a highlight of the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2024 conference in Thessaloniki on July 2nd!

In a worldwide premiere, Energy and Lighting were combined with the world of high fashion. The event featured the FUTURE FASHION SHOW where Fashion Models graced the runway, showcasing clothing and accessories integrated with Organic Printed Electronics. This unique fusion of technology and haute couture offered a visionary look into the future of fashion and technology integration into our daily lives.

Furthermore, you may check out some highlights from  Nanotexnology 2024 where OET was presenting its latest findings and endeavors.

Nanotexnology 2024

NANOTEXNOLOGY is the largest technology, networking and matchmaking annual event in Europe including many premier and Internationally established events.

Visit our booth at NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2024 and experience our new products first-hand!

We will be looking forward to meeting you at our booth to further inform you on all our endeavors and discuss the possibilities of cooperation.

You can find more information here.

OET is live at Intersolar 2024

OET is currently attending the Intersolar 2024 event. Visit our booth A3.611 as our featured products and solutions are taking center stage with our Solar Windows on display, featuring the integrated Futura OPV series of products.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to visit and check out our products firsthand!
We are looking forward to meeting you!
