Flex2Energy Project Launch Announcement
OET, the Nanotechnology Laboratory of the Aristotle University LTFN and the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronic Association HOPE-A, invite you to the official launch announcement of the two Flagship European Projects Flex2Energy and COPE-Nano, which will take place at the Divani Caravel Hotel on Thursday, January 26 2023 at 11:00 am.
These two emblematic projects will make Greece a Global Hub of Excellence and Entrepreneurship in the Production of 3rd Generation Organic Photovoltaics, Organic Electronics and Nanotechnology.
FlexFunction2Sustaine: Last Call for Open Call Webinar
Last chance to apply to FlexFunction2Sustain OpenCall that expires on 27 January 2023, 17:00 (CET)! Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), start-ups and large enterprises can apply to receive subsidised access to top-notch European Research infrastructure and innovation services provided by our OITB members. We offers financial support of up to 130 k€ for each project (for a duration of 12 months) in developing and testing novel nano-functionalised plastic and paper membrane and surfaces.
All successful applicants will get access to an ecosystem of all major nano-functionalisation techniques available for plastic and paper surfaces and will be provided with customized support through a unique and complete set of services which will enable them to build up sustainable business cases. The offered services cover the full value chain from a product idea to market success:
- material & product design
- process & product development
- pilot and small series production
- characterisation & testing/verification
- business development
- IP landscaping
- new markets & client relations
Detailed information about the conditions of the Call can be found here.
Further assistance is available through helpdesk@flexfunction2sustain.eu or by phone to +420 226 217 422 (Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM CET).
Check out the video how to apply to the Call here.
Take action with OET at WFES 2023 in Abu Dhabi

World Future Energy Summit 2023, Abu Dhabi
OET will be participating the World Future Energy Summit, that will take place between 16-18 January 2023, at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UAE. Looking forward to meeting you at our booth at Hall No.8, Stand No.8400. More information available here.
NanoMECommons: NMBP-35 Joint Workshop
We invite you to join the NMBP-35 Horizon 2020 Projects NanoMECommons, Charisma, and Easi-stress for a joint Workshop event in person!
Workshop Title: Materials characterization and software tools as key enablers in NMBP-35 projects: Towards industrial transition and wider acceptance of new methods and products
The workshop will be held on Thursday the 24th November 2022, as a hybrid event (Athens/online), and is supported by European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC).
Registration Deadline: 11th November 2022
Agenda: Please find further Information via our websites.
Participate in our three sessions and join us in EMCC fostering collaboration.
Art Thessaloniki: A heart full of Greek “green” energy!
Love, Sun, Energy….A heart full of Greek “green” energy! In this triptych develops the recent artistic creation of the lawyer, ….and visual artist Alexandras Gogousis, which was presented at the Art Thessaloniki event at TIF (3-6/11).
“I’ve been creating iron hearts for years. At the same time, as a lawyer, I have specialized in the energy sector. So I combined my occupations, conveying at the same time a message: Let’s use alternative sources of energy. A heart full of energy is a strong heart, a heart full of love. I’m interested in technology and follow the developments”, emphasizes Mrs. Gogoussi.
Behind or rather inside this heart lies a literally brilliant success story. As bright as the sun that shines hundreds of days a year in our country.
The Greek 3rd generation photovoltaics are printed, very light, flexible, translucent, protect from harmful UV radiation and are produced in Tagarades in the world’s first production unit, by the Greek company Organic Electronic Technologies.
The applications of the third generation Greek translucent photovoltaics are many. They are wearables and are integrated into clothes, bags, buildings, windows, awnings and generally on every small and large surface, creating a perfect aesthetic effect, they are environmentally friendly and contribute to sustainability and the circular economy.
One of the recent pioneering uses of Greek 3rd generation photovoltaics is their integration into the roofs of greenhouses. Agrovoltaics are the answer to reducing the cost of food production not only in Greece, but all over the world, since their use drastically reduces the cost of energy, water consumption (with hydroponic cultivation) and saves the use of land .
An iron heart full of “green” energy and creators like Alexandra Gogoussi who are inspired by technology and Greek achievements, “gives” its own “answer” to the energy problem caused by the war in Ukraine.

FlexFunction2Sustaine: Open Call Webinar
💡 Save the date: #FlexFunction2Sustain organises an #OpenCall #webinar to get the applicants ready for the last cut-off. If you search for #technical & #business services to accelerate the development of novel products and technologies for #smart and #sustainable #plastics and #paper solutions, join us to understand how to prepare winning proposals.
🗓️ 30 Nov, 2-4 PM CET
🎯 #SME, #start-up, #large industries
Register➡️ bit.ly/3Eh6hSt
#investEUresearch #H2020
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) Susana Xará
Agrotica 2022
OET will be attending the 29th International Agricultural Fair “Agrotica 2022”, which will be taking place between October 20-28, at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre.
Visit us at Hall 2, stand 46.
Event invitation within the framework of
Agrotica 2022
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1:30-4:00 PM
“AgriVoltaics: A revolution in the Triple Land Use for the Optimum Crop & Energy Production and Reduction of Water Consumption with the Semi-Transparent Photovoltaics”
Entry to the conference is free.
Participants can obtain the Invitations from TIF, PAVILION 2, STAND 46 of HOPE-A and OET.
* Visit to the Energy Autonomous & Hydroponic Greenhouse in Thermi Thessaloniki upon schedule.
12th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE22) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2022
OET is a Gold Sponsor of the
12th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE22) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2022!
Don’t miss out on OET’s exciting presentations on the latest industry updates!

The ICEFPE22 and AGRIVOLTAICS 2022 are organized by the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association HOPE-A (www.hope-a.com) and the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN (www.ltfn.gr).
This International Conference will bring together Key Industrial Players, Top-class Scientists, Engineers, End-Users, Entrepreneurs, Farmers, Investors, Policy Makers, Politicians and Representatives from the National, European and International Authorities to discuss, networking, make business and establish the Strategy and Policy for boosting the rapidly evolving Green FPEs hundred-Billion euros Industry in Green Energy, Renewable Energy Resources, Fuel Cells, Green Hydrogen, Energy Autonomous Systems, Lighting, Electronics and Communications, Automotive, Electrical Vehicle, Buildings, Smart Cities, Agriculture, Intelligent Packaging and Security, Health Care, Wearables, IoT, etc. contributing to a Green, Digital, Decarbonized Industry and Circular Economy, Society and Planet.
Topics include:
- Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics and Photonics
- Green & Renewable Energy
- 3rd Generation Photovoltaics
- Bioenergy, Fuel Cells & Green Hydrogen Generation
- Flexible and Printed Energy Storage and Batteries
- Flexible and Printed Lighting and Displays
- Energy and Lighting for Buildings, Cities, Automotive, Healthcare, IoT
- Energy Autonomous systems in Consumer Electronics, Tourism, Defence
- 3D Printing Electronics in System Integration of Functional Products and Solutions
- Advanced materials, Semiconductors, Electrodes, High Barrier Materials, Inks and Bioinks
- Sensors, Biosensors in Wearables, IoT, Health, etc.
- Wearables, Smart Textiles and Fashion and
- Intelligent and Smart Packaging, Safety and Security
- Machines, Tools, Lasers, Automation Systems, Robotics, Analytics and AI for Zero-Defect Manufacturing of FPEs, BioElectronics, etc
- FPEs in Green Deal and Decarbonization Global Activities and Policies
- Clusters and Associations in Flexible & Printed Electronics Worldwide
- Markets, Funding & Commercialization Opportunities
Following the success of the Special Workshop on Agrivoltaics organized in the frame of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2022 and ISFOE, in Thessaloniki on 7th of Jul 2022, HOPE-A and LTFN are organizing the AGRIVOLTAICS 2022 Conference in parallel to ICEFPE22. The Event will take place on 11th-12th of October in Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens with Key Speakers from these Emerging Technologies.
European Union set the target to produce 30% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030, although nearly every stage of food supply chain relies on fossil fuel energy. Thus, a higher demand for food production would most certainly mean an increase in fossil fuel use and, as a result, greater greenhouse gas emissions. Agrivoltaics is an emerging field that combines the most innovative Renewable Energy solution of Semitransparent Organic Photovoltaics with Agriculture in order to lead a sustainable farming process and crop growth by optimizing the use of arable land.
Agrivoltaics is a sustainable economic model of farming that has strong growth prospects with respect for the environment and is supposed to increase land use efficiency. Indeed, Agri-PV will show a noteworthy growing more than 20GW in 2022 with an increase ratio close to 40%.
In the coming years we expect such Greenhouse and open cultivations to be transformed into sustainable food production units and power plants for self-consumption, and then sale of electricity and grid connected, creating wealth and prosperity in local communities. Thus, not only will it solve the huge energy problems, creating many high-paying jobs and many new young farmers-entrepreneurs, but also it will reduce irrigation needs, water consumption, energy needs and gas emissions, while increasing crop yield.
Topics include:
- Energy Generation and Crop Production in Agriculture practice
- Optimized dual use of land
- Energy Autonomy in Agriculture and Food Production
- Sustainable Solutions to Provide Ecosystem Services
- PV and OPV Panel Technologies for Agrivoltaics
- LEDs and OLEDs for lighting
- Flexible and Printed Electronics Applications (Lighting and Sensing) in Agriculture
- Energy and Crop monitoring and control in hydroponic Greenhouses
- AI Adapted in Agrivoltaics
- Agrivoltaics Environmental Modelling
- Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources (H-RES) for Greenhouses
- Sustainable Agricultural Activity
- Minimizing Landscape and Environment impact
- Off-grid Installations in Remote Locations
- Societal and Environmental impact
- Economics of Agrivoltaics and business models
- Cooling and Shading Effect, Exclusion of harmful UV Radiation in Cultivation
- Overcoming Barriers to give prominence to Agrivoltaics
- Agrivoltaics, a sustainable solution for supporting Ecosystem Services
- Maximize Cultivation & Energy Production with OPVs on the Roof of the Greenhouse
- Protection of the Environment – Circular Economy
- Adjustable Transparency of OPVs, Shading on Plants, Water & Energy Reduction up to 30%