The WCPEC-8 combines the three largest and most prominent international PV conferences: the European PV Solar Energy Conference (39th EU PVSEC), the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (IEEE PVSC-51) and the International PV Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-32). After being in place for more than a quarter of a century, the WCPEC, being held every four years, is firmly established among the global PV community as THE event for the greatest minds and experts in various PV sectors to meet and discuss, to exchange and network!
The Former Prime Minister’s Visit at OET’s Booth
The customary walk of the president of SYRIZA, Mr. Alexis Tsipras, to the pavilions and stands of the 86th TIF lasted two hours.
Among all stands, Mr. Tsipras showed a special interest in electric panels made of organic materials, an innovative technology. Mr. Tsipras was welcomed by OET founder, Mr. Stergios Logothetidis, with the official opposition leader asking about their costs and uses.
The organic panels are flexible and can be placed on any surface, from a bus stop to car parking spaces, which, being electric, can charge while parked.
The AgriVoltaic Revolution: Event Press Release
HOPE-A adds another successful event on its portfolio, held on Sunday, 11 September, entitled “AgriVoltaics: A Revolution in the Dual Land Use for the Optimum Crop & Energy Production with the use of Semi-Transparent Photovoltaics”. The event was co-organized with the Alexandrer Innovation Zone and the Aristotle University’s Nanotechnology Lab LTFN.
The event was graced with the presence of the General Secretary of Rural Development, Mrs. Christiana Kalogirou, the managing director of Greek Agricultural Organisation ELGO, Mr. Panagiotis Hatzinikolaou, the head of Agricultural Development Program Administration, Mr. Nikos Manetas, the Secretary of Productive Sectors, Mr. Akis Bafas and the deputy mayors of the Municipality of Kozani, Mr. D. Pafilis and Mr. V. Goumas.
The event was also benefited by the attendance of Coatema Vice President, Mr. Thomas Kolbusch, a member of the HOPE-A association, who traveled from Germany especially for the event.
HOPE-A President, Mr. Stergios Logothetidis, presented the 3rd Generation Translucent Photovoltaics while OET CEO, Mr. Chrysostomos Varlamis, presented the innovative and integrated solution for the triple land use for optimal greenhouse cultivation (Hydroponic and Conventional).
At the dinner hosted by the Greek-German Chamber in honor of the Minister of Development and Investments, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, Mr. Stergios Logothetidis and HOPE-A Vice President, Mr. Ioannis Roukas, had the opportunity to inform the minister about HOPE-A’s actions and the solutions to the modern-day energy problems offered by the only Greek company OET, a member of the association as well.
Private Event: AgriVoltaics, Alexander Innovation Zone, September 11th, 2022
Invitation to a private event at the Alexander Innovation Zone, Sunday, September 11th, 2022
Within the framework of the 86th TIF exhibition:
“AgriVoltaics: A Revolution in the Dual Land Use for the Optimum Crop & Energy Production with the use of Semi-Transparent Photovoltaics”
The event is organized by HOPE-A (Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association) in co-operation with the Alexander Innovation Zone and the LTFN Nanotechnology Lab, on Sunday, September 11th, 10:00 – 11:30, in Thessaloniki.
Agrivoltaics is a revolutionary approach, utilizing the Dual use of Land in combination with the use of the 3rd generation of Semi-transparent Photovoltaics that were developed the past few years and are promising for a sustainable solution for a simultaneous production of food and energy. Agrivoltaics will show a noteworthy growing more than 20GW in 2022 with an increase ratio close to 40%.
Greece can be the leader in the field and the market of Agrivoltaics as it provides unique advantages: optimum climate zone of earth (sunshine, temperature etc.), advanced technology and know-how globally recognized. Organic Electronic Technologies (OET) is a Greek company and member of HOPE-A, that manufactures 3rd Generation Semi-transparent Photovoltaics and provides a complete solution of simultaneous Dual use of Land for the Optimum Greenhouse Cultivation (Hydroponics or/ and Conventional) and Energy Production.
This innovative solution is applied in a hydroponic Greenhouse in Thermi, Thessaloniki, with the implementation of the 3rd Generation Photovoltaics, the Semi-transparent Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) of OET, deploying the most contemporary Greek technology globally.1
The Energy production system that OET installs in the Greenhouse cultivation to create the Energy Autonomous- Hydroponic Greenhouse, consist of the Translucent OPVs on the roof of GH for producing energy. When it’s necessary is installed a Wind turbine for wind power generation and Bio-fuel generator as a spare energy system for cold climates.
The advantages of the Energy Autonomous Greenhouse installation:
- Maximize energy and crop production with the implementation of OPVs on the roof of Greenhouse
- The Hydroponic cultivation with OPV increases the yield up to 5 times more than conventional one
- Blocking of Harmful UV Radiation
- Adjustable transparency of OPVs, Shading effect on plants, reduce water and energy consumption up to 30%
- Increase of crop production up to 30%
- Lightweight Construction and Easy Installation
- Short Payback Period
- Environmental Protection-Circular Economy
This Energy Autonomous- Hydroponic Greenhouse amenities as Heating, Cooling, Lighting (increase of photosynthesis), and Protect and Control of cultivation can maximize the yield up to 5 times more than conventional cultivation’s yield and decrease the water consumption, respectively.
The next years is expected such Greenhouse cultivations to be transformed into sustainable food production units and power plants for self-consumption, and then sale of electricity and grid connected, creating wealth and prosperity in local communities. For example, in this way Crete with its currently installed greenhouse units can produce 4GW of energy in the next 5-10 years, distributed in the whole island. Thus, Crete will be energy self-sufficient, increase crop production up to 5 times more and decrease water consumption up to 3 times less. Not only Crete’s energy problem will be solved, but also many high-paying jobs and many new young farmers-entrepreneurs will be created, crop production and exports will be increased, and gas emissions will be reduced. Similarly, the West Macedonia which has intense problems with the decarbonization, decreased GDP in comparison with 2014, high unemployment and immigration of young people, can converted into a wealthy region based on the primary sector’s growth, in the next 5-10 years, with the development of the energy-based greenhouse cultivation, inhibit youth immigration, increase standards of living, etc.
1Following the event, participants can make a tour of the Energy Autonomous Greenhouse located in Thermi area, Thessaloniki. Declaration of participation is required.
For more information contact us:
- Evangelos Bakalis, Hope – A, Innovation & Dissemination Manager:
+30 698 4030390
- Asterios Chatziparadeisis, Hope – A, General Director:
+30 697 2501781
Alexander Innovation Zone
Filikis Etaireias 12 & I. Tsimiski, 54621 Thessaloniki, Greece
86th Thessaloniki International Fair
OET will be participating the 86th TIF, on 10-18 September 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Visit our booth at Open Air Space B07, Stand 10.
Join us and experience the New 3rd Generation of Photovoltaics, our Apollo OPV and our Solar Parking and AgriVoltaics on display!
Expand your product portfolio and become a key player in this new and developing market, we will be pleased to see you to further inform you about our endeavors and discuss the possibilities of cooperation.
You can find more info here.
AgriVoltaics & the Photokipia Project

FF2S Press Release
Sustainable and Smart becomes real – World´s first organic photovoltaic cell on recycled material made by EU-consortium FlexFunction2Sustain
The partners of the EU project FlexFunction2Sustain have committed themselves to create a network for innovative solutions for sustainable and smart products powered by nano-functionalized paper and plastic in order to support SMEs, start-ups and industries in the development and market launch of pioneering products. After the first two years, a number of promising results and prototypes have emerged and will be presented at the Conference for Industrial Technologies IndTech 2022 in Grenoble, France, June 27-29, 2022. Among them, a recently finalized highlight: the first working organic photovoltaic cell on recycled plastics.
Recently, participants from all over the world met at the Stockholm+50 Environment Summit and emphasized the urgency in moving forward quickly with environmental and climate protection measures. The littering of our planet and its oceans is progressing inexorably. A main driver for plastic waste are packaging materials which are needed to extend the shelf life of food or to protect delicate products and pharmaceuticals from damaging environmental influences. In addition, smart packaging opens up many new and useful possibilities thanks to flexible electronics. In the future, short-life packaging materials for medicines, for example, will be equipped with flexible electronics to monitor medication intake or track sensitive products during their delivery route. Recycling of plastics and using recycled material for packaging is an important cornerstone on the road to greater environmental protection and reducing plastic waste. To replace such composite and multilayer materials that are not recyclable or degradable, novel polymer compositions (bio-based and/or biodegradable) and adapted product designs are being discussed as a solution approach. In smart packaging, the electronics must also be considered in a more environmentally friendly way and, for example, designed to be recyclable and produced by using recyclates. A number of startups and innovative companies have created concepts for sustainable flexible and smart packaging products.
Gathering 19 partners from research, universities and industry throughout Europe, FlexFunction2Sustain aims at supporting small and medium-sized companies in bringing innovative concepts and ideas for products based on nanofunctionalized plastic and paper surfaces and membranes to market. The FlexFunction2Sustain Network – an Open Innovation Testbed (OITB) for nanofunctionalization technologies – offers comprehensive services to support innovation, e.g. from material and product design, technology and product development, small batch production to the sourcing of development funds.
Two years of FlexFunction2Sustain – what has emerged?
During its first two years, the consortium established an association which purpose is to structure and exploit the OITB member´s service portfolio. Hence, through this association the partnership plans to deliver an easy, fast-track access to the OITB facilities and services to SMEs, start-Ups and industry. To ease the commercialization process, the customer gains access to the OITB through a Single Entry Point (SEP) sales and project management entity. An SEP consults the customer in the selection of appropriate technologies and coordinates all development work and interaction with the OITB members for the customer. FlexFunction2Sustain will establish regional contact points to provide the best possible user experience and to bring the OITB to the whole European single market.
First prototypes of novel, eco-friendly plastic and paper products were prepared and evaluated within different industrial use case scenarios. These included recyclable/compostable food and cosmetic packaging, membranes for water filters and diagnostics, smart plastic surfaces for automotive application, and biodegradable security and anti-counterfeiting labels.
Project coordinator Dr. John Fahlteich sums up: “We are proud to present the first working organic photovoltaic cell (OPV) on a recycled polypropylene substrate along with a whole range of technology demonstrators at IndTech 2022 end of June in Grenoble, France.” Besides the OPV cell, several innovative product concepts will be shown including:
- fully recyclable drink pouches,
- optical features on biodegradable film,
- innovative fresh food packaging made of semi-transparent paper
- membrane based syringe filters for diagnostics and water filter applications.
Dr. Fahlteich continues: “At IndTech, FlexFunction2Sustain is embedded in a dedicated section of the exhibition presenting the innovations and services of 13 different Open Innovation Testbeds addressing a variety of technologies and applications ranging from biomaterials to nano-enabled surfaces towards eco-friendly and energy efficient solutions for building envelopes. A broad portfolio of technology solutions awaits SME and industry on site. We are looking forward to exchanging ideas and initiating projects with future partners from SME, Start-Ups and industry.”
World’s first organic photovoltaic cell on recycled polypropylene
The project partners Fraunhofer IVV and IPC Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites used recycled polypropylene (rPP) – recovered from a newly designed packaging material for recyclable drink pouches – mixed with virgin polyproypylene (vPP) to produce a substrate film for printed electronics at a recyclate content of 50%.
At Fraunhofer FEP, a transparent electrode – made of indium tin oxide (ITO) – was applied by means of roll-to-roll (R2R) vacuum coating with magnetron sputtering with a specially adapted set of process and winding parameters. The result is impressive, since despite the recyclates used in the substrate, the ITO exhibited almost the same sheet resistance as achieved on pristine film substrates.
Organic Electronics Technologies P.C. (OET) in Greece then performed R2R slot-die coating to produce OPV cells, followed by an encapsulation step over the printing of the organic materials and the finalization of the OPV cells. Here, OET’s researchers performed several trials on the coating parameters and finally succeeded in printing the functional OPV layers on the PP substrate made with 50% rPP recovered from drink pouch packaging material. As a result, the OPV was demonstrated to function as a device with a max efficiency of 1%.
OET’s project manager Vasileios Kyriazopoulos: “The power conversion efficiency of approx. 1% is already sufficient to supply a wide range of single-use smart packaging productions with sufficient electrical power. Currently, OPV cells on commercially available substrates can achieve efficiencies above 8%, therefore, by improving the entire fabrication process, including film extrusion, layer design, printing and encapsulation, it is achievable to increase the efficiency of OPV cells printed on recyclable material, which is made with 50% rPP, by more than 5%.”
This represents a first major step in the development of more environmentally friendly product designs and flexible electronics. In the future, products such as smart packaging, but also interactive magazines in the field of advertising or consumer electronics can be designed based on these initial developments. Thanks to flexible electronics such as an OPV cell on recycled material, tomorrow’s products will be powered a little more environmentally friendly.
Of course, the initial results only point the way ahead. In the future, the FlexFunction2Sustain consortium will work on improving the extrusion process for the recycled film. In addition, the development of a new layer design for improved surface quality is on the agenda. The OPV process also holds potential for improving drying temperatures and encapsulation strategies. All together leading to the perspective of reaching similar performances of flexible electronics as done on pristine – fossil based – plastic films.
The FlexFunction2Sustain consortium is open for further in-depth discussions during IndTech in Grenoble, France, and of course for future collaborations.

FlexFunction2Sustain at Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech 2022:
Booth: OITB Village, Grenoble, France
Date: 27. – 29. June 2022
More info:
More info: OPE journal
About the project:
The project FlexFunction2Sustain has started on 1st April 2020 and will run 48 months. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862156.
FlexFunction2Sustain consortium consists of 19 European partners, including research organizations, universities and private companies:
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Fraunhofer Institute FEP, IAP und IVV), JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH, AMCOR Group GmbH, Gesellschaft für Mittelstandsförderung mbH, Organic Electronics Technologies P.C., Sonnenberg Harrison Partners Sarl., BL Nanobiomed P.C., IPC Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association HOPE-A, i3 Membrane GmbH, HUECK FOLIEN GmbH, Centro Ricerche Fiat S.c.p.A., Procter & Gamble Service GmbH, MC Shared Services, S.A., Capri Sun GmbH, AMIRES s.r.o.
The project coordinator is the Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP, Dresden, Germany.
More information about the project can be found at
AgriVoltaics 2022 Conference & Expo
OET participated the AgriVoltaics 2022 Conference & Expo that took place between the 15th and 17th of June, in Piacenza, Italy.
Apart from its high attended booth, OET also presented its OPV technology and expertise, along with its AgriVoltaic related projects, during the Industry Talk session of the conference.
More information available here:
NANOTEXNOLOGY is the largest technology, networking and matchmaking annual event in Europe including many premier and Internationally established events.
NANOTEXNOLOGY explores the opportunities in the emerging fields of Nanotechnologies, Organic & Printed Electronics and Nanomedicine. NANOTEXNOLOGY brings together over 2,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, business, technical and policy professionals to promote research and industrial collaborations, identify priorities and strengthen the innovation ecosystem.
You may find attendance information here according to each detailed program.
Visit our booth at NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2022 and experience our products first-hand!
We will be looking forward to meeting you at our booth to further inform you on all our endeavors and discuss the possibilities of cooperation.
You can find more information here.